
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Newly Married and Home Alone

The wedding was great, the homey-moon too short, and since then a whole lotta life has come at us really, really fast! We moved and I started my new job in January, Officer ended the long highering process and began March 1st. 2010 has been a good year, I think.

Fast forward to May (there is a whole lot I’ll fill you in on later) and this week Officer started DPSST a.k.a. 16 weeks of police boot-camp. For him this means each day starts early with PT (rain or shine, but mostly rain), breakfast, followed by a full day of training classes. For me DPSST means I am alone. Yes maybe I’m selfish but I expected to have my husband around for our first year of marriage, after all it’s not like I married a military man. I guess this is the life I get for now.

The last seven days have gone a little like this:

Wednesday, Officer’s brother is leaving for the Marine’s OCS so his dad comes in to town (Who I love and built us a totally fabulous bookshelf! Not important.), and Officer has two days off so we have “family” time. Keep in mind that I have seen my husband maybe 4 hours total in the last 72! Not to mention Officer forgot to pick me up on Monday so I walked the .81 miles home in 4 inch heels. No, I’m not still mad… Just felt unimportant for a while.
Thursday, Officer has breakfast with his dad, sends him on his way, and spends the rest of the morning studding. 2:30 PM, Officer gets me early from work so we can volunteer at a local non-profit’s open house J 9:30 PM Arrive home and go to bed exhausted.

Friday, I come home from work and we shop for the new shoes he needs for DPSST, cancel the gym membership (because he’s gone and I won’t go alone), and arrive home in time to make a quick bite for officer before he heads off to work. I’m alone again.

Saturday, Officer comes home in the AM and goes to bed. I wake up get ready and go to a wedding (Did I mention I’d been sick this week... yeah). It was a beautiful wedding and I saw my family but I began to feel feverish and realized going was a bad idea. Officer called and I headed home to bed. Officer left for work.

Sunday, I wake up and go to run errands for him make sure he has all he needs for DPSST. Officer sleeps. 2 PM, Officer wakes, and starts packing. We split a Subway Spicy Italian, I cry, and Officer leaves for DPSST check in. We never have enough time together. I head to church with my sister-in-law. When I come home I head to bed and Officer calls me to say good night.

Monday, I’m sick and go to work. Come home clean house, make my lunch for the next day, Call Officer and go to bed.

Tuesday, morning text from Officer, I love him! Go to work. My mother-in-law calls, apparently my brother-in-law has stress fractures and the Marines are sending him home. I pray for him. My aunt texts, she’s in town. I get off work and my Aunt and Uncle pick me up. We head to meet my cousin for dinner. I text Officer tell him to call cause I’ll be in town. He calls and is able to meet us for dinner. Dinner with the Family 5-6 PM. Kiss officer good bye he heads back to the compound. I head home to an empty apartment.

Alone again today… hey isn’t that a country song? Any way this is my life now, married for just less than a year and alone five days a week. It sucks not seeing Officer during the week, but he’ll be home on the weekend. Things could be worse. I could be a military wife… I don’t know how they do it! It helps to know I’m not the only one who faces being married and alone a lot. I am learning to fill my time; I just wish I could see Officer more.