
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Begining of the End

I love every moment with Officer. I can’t seem to get enough. Recently my friends have been complaining that I give too much of my time an attention to Officer. To this I respond with HE’S MY HUSBAND OF COURSE I PUT HIM FIRST! I’m so glad that I have Officer. Officer has been a stronghold and a true blessing in my life.

Academy is winding down now. Officer is in the final two weeks. He will be home before I know it! I’m so excited to have him home again even if he will be changing schedules every five weeks or less again. I’m just ready to see his lovely face more often.

I can tell that it is the beginning of the end because he is a lot more relaxed. He actually has energy to give me at the moment. He passed his Final Test on Monday. His class all passed and has scored higher academically as a group than any other class in a long while. His instructors seem happy with them all. Officer is proud of himself and so am I. The Friday of graduation we will BBQ and celebrate the successful end to a long period of training. I will be celebrating his return home. Seeing him only on weekends has been hard. Harder then I thought it would be. I realize now how I would never make it as a military wife... I'd go crazy.

Time with Officer on the weekend has been taking over time with friends (this is some of the cause of friend’s complaints). Time on the weekend is always short, too short. There seems to be a competition for time in our household. I don’t think the time balance will change really ever. There will always be attentions waring against each other. But I am looking forward to the End of Academy and the beginning of the next stage. I look forward to my ever changing role as a PD wife. I also look forward to the new chapter in my own career as I prepare to take the LSAT. The end of Academy brings a new beginning.